You may request a cancellation within 24 hours of ordering. We accept requests for returns/exchanges within 14 days of receiving your order. Personalized items cannot be returned or exchanged. Please contact us.
Bulk orders
Yes, we do bulk orders. Bulk orders start at a quantity of 25 ornaments. We price our ornaments competitively and for bulk orders we will reduce the price based on the quantity ordered. Contact Us.
Custom and personalized orders
Yes, we do custom and personalized orders. If you do not see something here you like, contact us. We do special orders all the time.
Wholesale availability
Yes, we do wholesale. We have some stipulations on wholesale accounts. Please contact us to discuss.
Care instructions
If your product arrives damaged, we ask for pictures of the packaging and pictures of the product. We work hard to package the product in a way that it will not be damaged in transit, and there are times where we need to make adjustments in the design of the product to make it more resilient against shipping damage. If there are issues, please contact us.
Davidson Fine Arts Donation
Yes, we are supporting the Augusta, GA Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School Chorale and Orchestra trip to Italy. We are donating 50% of the net sales proceeds to offset combined student expenses i.e. coach travel to and from the Atlanta Airport.
Privacy Policy
Please click HERE for our privacy policy.